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Infographic: The Top 5 Use Cases For Client Portals

Written by Maia Creed | 20-Jun-2016 09:55:50

So you want to see how client portals work realistically for businesses day-to-day?


Many organisations choose to use their client portal in a way that suits them, this could be completely different to how other organisations use their client portal. This post will guide you through the most popular ways that client portals are used and how each different use can benefit your organisation.

Client portals are relevant within most businesses. Most businesses share similar core business processes such as administration which a client portal could always benefit. There are completely different reasons to use a client portal, however, the use cases will vary from sector to sector.


1.  External File Sharing

Many organisations have endless documents and paperwork which needs to be shared with their clients. If a client portal has file sharing capabilities, it can be incredibly useful. With the click of a button, users can upload their files into a structured folder system, like an intranet that is not limited. These functions eradicate the use of the outdated and complicated FTP system.


2.  Project Collaboration

You and your clients may need to be actively collaborating on projects. Perhaps you work in an industry where you require a constant flow of feedback or comments. With the ability to download files, or preview the files within your client portal, this makes life significantly easier for you and your clients, especially if you aren’t based in the same place and work remotely.


3.  Product Delivery

Depending on the nature of your business, you can deliver your product or service to your client through your client portal. Using an organised and private zone is much more efficient than email and doesn’t risk the same issues of loss in a cluttered inbox.


4. Task Management

Client Portals are popular for the core organisation of your projects. Managing your targets and deadlines is a popular feature of a client portal. With comprehensive tools, you can plan all your individual tasks, assign deadlines and update your progress. This can help to give your client peace of mind due to them being able to see for themselves whether your project is on schedule.


5. Knowledge Repository

With wiki-like features allow organisations to establish a database of knowledge which is indexed and searchable for your staff and clients. Because this information is virtualised, it is easy for your employees to find, meaning that they don’t have to waste precious time traipsing around your office in search of the person with the specific information or document.


There are many other use cases for which client portals can be used. Your organisation can discover its own way to benefit from client portals. They’re so customisable and adaptable which makes them a unique asset to your business.