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Multiple File Uploads

Written by Natasha | 17-Feb-2012 16:36:20

In the advent of the post-email age, the amount of storage space offered by different project management tools is an aspect on which many clients may (and should) base their purchasing decisions. As such, it's an area in which providers of these tools necessarily compete - to offer more storage space is to open oneself up to the possibility of winning business in a wider range of industries.

As well as offering an extremely competitive set of paid packages in terms of storage space offered, Clinked is on the cusp of releasing a multiple file upload tool. This offering will serve to further enhance the time-saving capabilities of Clinked; much like our new email upload tool, multiple file upload will allow you to save the time needed to individually and painstakingly upload every single file to your account. Instead, at the touch of a button, it's all there - exactly where you need it.

Uploading multiple files is both easy and quick. When adding files, just select as many as you want by holding down the 'Control' button when you click on the filename, or hold the left mouse button and drag your cursor across the files you want to highlight. Then you will be able to see the upload progress of each file individually in a progress bar beside its name.

Simple and clear.

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