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5 steps for bringing new technology into your business

Collaboration Technology

New technology in business can be exciting to discover for your company. It can identify solutions to problems, kickstart sales in a slump, and keep your customers satisfied. 

However new technologies can be daunting for some, and you may need to convince your colleagues of their benefits to get on board with adopting them. In this article, we’ll explore how useful new technologies in business can be and tips for bringing them into your own organization.

Why take note of new technology in business?

Technologies in business are constantly evolving, so it is worthwhile to keep your finger on the pulse of the latest changes so as not to miss out. They can provide your clients with the best customer experience because you have adopted these new technologies. 

The introduction of instant messaging, emoji use and mobile app technology are just some tools that have completely changed the industry and that now have come to be expected by customers. Giving your customers the very best in new technologies can mark you out as an informed business that cares about its client base - an invaluable reputation to have.

What are the benefits of new technologies in business?

Save time

New technologies in business often focus on making processes faster, giving you more time to send items to clients quicker or to take on more work. Having the freedom that comes with quicker processes means you can focus on other aspects of your organization and work on growing your business as a whole.

Save money in long run

Time is money in business, and as well as saving time, you’re also free up yourself for more projects. Especially in industries where jobs are billable by the hour, new technology can help free you up to move on to your next paying project.

Appear current

Adopting the latest technology in business can also be a signifier of several things to your clients and competitors. It can show that you are on the cutting edge of what is being developed. It can also show a boldness that you are willing to implement these new technologies quickly, and can earn respect from not just your clients but other players in the industry. Finally, it can demonstrate to your clients that they are worth investing in and you want to provide them with the best and latest technologies.

Additionally, adopting new technologies with accessibility testing features can show your clients that you prioritize their needs and are committed to making your products and services accessible to everyone. This can be especially valuable for businesses in industries where accessibility is particularly important, such as healthcare or education.

Makes processes easier

One of the goals of new technologies is often to make your working life just a little bit easier. Whether that’s through saving you time from having to manually input data or work out sums, the peace of mind that comes with having these problems taken away from you becomes invaluable.


5 key steps for adopting new technology in business

1. Determine whether everyone will benefit from this technology

Before adopting a new technology in business, it is worth demonstrating it’s worth to your team. Highlight the long-term benefits of using the technology, for both yourself and others who will be using it. Don’t make any snap decisions – if there’s no need or urgency for anyone to use your solution, then chances are your team members will be less than inclined to use it.

2. Communicate your intentions to its future users

After deciding that a new technology in business solution will be a good fit for your company, it’s time to begin implementing it. Throughout this process, you should remain transparent with future users of the solution. Clearly explain how you intend on the technology being used, the support that you will provide, and how it will benefit the business as a whole.

3. Make management advocates of the product

To ensure success of a new technology adoption, management teams should lead by example. By making sure that senior management staff support your decision and embrace the new solution, they will be able to extend their enthusiasm to the rest of your employees, team and external users like clients and partners.

4. Provide multiple options for training and support

Adoption is probably the biggest issue when it comes to introducing new technology. To ease the process, you should offer your staff a wide range of training materials to suit all preferences; including videos, one-to-one demos, support forums and training manuals.

5. Evaluate the performance of the technology and its users

Once you’ve been using the solution for a while, you should assess how it has performed against your expectations. If adoption is lower than expected, consider providing more training. If there’s an issue with the technology itself, make sure to take it up with the vendor and get a resolution. You should also be asking for regular feedback from the rest of your organization and clients too.

Bringing in new technologies in business is a big decision with considerable risk attached. While it may take a while for your users to settle in, careful planning and continual support will ensure long-term success with your solution. 

Clinked can bring your business closer to its clients with customized and user-friendly portals. Allow your users to securely access their documents, discussions, events, calendars and more – all from within a centralized environment. 

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