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Audit Trails for Client and Team Productivity

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Having detailed records of your business and team actions is essential to ensure your firm is moving in the right direction. Introducing an element of accountability not only allows you to keep an eye on the movements of your staff, but also adds an incentive for your team to be productive. For your clients, it helps them to establish trust in your organisation and team.

Audit trails for client and team productivity


Having an Audit trail could protect your organisation from responsibility during legal cases. This technology means that individual users can be held accountable rather than the business due to strong transparent evidence. Audit trails are also great for establishing breaches within your security.

Client Confidence

Following on from the security benefits, having such advanced measures in place to protect your data will mean that your clients feel confident with sharing restricted data within your client portal. This could be a selling point that makes your business stand out from the competition.

Team Confidence

Having a reliable system in place for accountability, which managers can check, will avoid disputes between your workforce. This means that your employees can trust their manager’s judgement and also encourages each team member to work more effectively with minimal errors. Often miscommunication or misinformation can create issues with clients or teams, so using a system that will act as a clear log of shared and communicated information on projects and files will enable a much more productive environment.

Higher-level Data

We're so used to managing our businesses in response to analytics data and other quantitative methods, using audit trails opens up a new level of qualitative information that allows us to see our team's working habits and client's visitor habits. Your organisation will be able to adapt the way you work in order to improve client and team experience.


The efficiency benefits of audit trails for senior staff are endless. Instant reports of what their team are working on saves managers from undertaking laborious and time consuming methods of tracking employee’s work. It also mean less time is spent searching for lost files or questioning project briefs or instructions as information has been shared readily, more widely and has been recorded effectively for back reference.


Having a close eye over your team will allow you to steer them in the right direction. Audit trails can allow you to quickly identify problems, meaning you can mitigate them before any damage is done. When your workforce is in the team mentality, it will translate to your clients too and they will trust in your business in your brand. Minimal errors will also generate a higher level of credibility within the business and also with new and existing clients.


For businesses to achieve success, it is important that accountability measures are in place. Whilst everyone is individually responsible for working towards common goals, it is important that they aren't measured as a collective. Investing in such tools will make your clients and team feel valued and respected.

It's always important to protect your business and the security elements will help towards this. Audit trails are a tool that will allow your organisation to forget about many common business struggles.

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