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Five Industries That Can (And Already Do) Benefit From Cloud Software

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According to the 2017 State Of The Cloud Survey from RightScale, businesses are making the leap to the cloud. 41% of IT professionals say their business stores their workloads in public cloud and 38% in private cloud. And among enterprises, 32% of workloads are being run in the public cloud and 43% in private cloud.


All industries can benefit from cloud software

There are businesses across a number of industries that are experiencing the benefit of using the cloud and Clinked for securely sharing sensitive files, getting projects signed off efficiently and overall, increasing productivity with clients and team members; from accounting and media to education and government. So if you’re also considering making the move to cloud software, whether that’s for the first time or if you’re looking to switch solutions; take a look at these five industries that are already utilising cloud solutions to improve their daily business processes. Read: Why your business should implement a cloud solution in 2017


1. Education

Having instant access to everything, from research documents and assignments, to group discussions and project collaboration; there will always be a need for a more efficient way to organise masses of information and potentially thousands of staff and student members. Cloud software can be the solution for this, with its potential for offering massive amounts of storage space and instant real-time access through the Internet.

You can read the Clinked case study on the educational institute Instituto Tecnologico Buenos Aires here.


2. Accounting

Traditionally, accountants and bookkeepers have had to rely on manual methods in order to balance their books and keep records up-to-date. With the introduction of cloud software, accounting firms can manage all of their clients, employees and financial information (such as profit and loss accounts, tax information and payroll) from within a single solution, making it easier to encourage a transparent and productive workspace. Read: Standalone vs. On-Premises Software For Accountants

You can read the Clinked case study on the accounting firm Outbased here.


3. Media

Coordinating substantial amounts of communication and files can be difficult if media companies don’t have the right solution. E-mail chains are too long and impractical and sending attachments back and forth isn’t as secure as a dedicated cloud solution. The right cloud software should bring together the process of easily sharing project updates, quickly uploading the latest file versions, and instantly providing feedback to the relevant people.

You can read the Clinked case study on the post-production sound recording studio Juniper Post here.


4. Government

For government organisations that need to be able to organise everyone and everything, from asset management and threat and fraud protection to managing applications and loans – moving to the cloud can be seen as an ideal solution, especially considering that cloud-based solutions like Clinked can meet compliance requirements; including bank-grade security, two-factor authentication and SSO.

You can read the Clinked case study on the federal agency Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration here.


5. Manufacturing

Having to manage large databases of information across a geographically dispersed business can be difficult to maintain with a (potentially global) manufacturing company. Cloud software gives manufacturing companies the ability to provide team members with readily available updates on the latest discussions, documentation and general administration, which can make project progression easy and efficient.

You can read the Clinked case study on the global manufacturing group Welding Alloys here.


Clinked offers cloud-based collaboration, communication and information sharing portals. If you’re interested in finding out more about the different features of Clinked, then you can have a look around our website; and if you think Clinked could be the right cloud software for your business, sign up for a free 10-day trial. Alternatively, you can take a look at more of Clinked’s case studies first by heading over here.


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