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What do you think of when you hear Client Portal'? At Clinked, we think of collaboration, communication, security, accessibility, the list goes on! These are just a some of the many benefits having a central digital location of a client portal can bring to a business.

In addition to these benefits, a client portal - like Clinked - brings versatility to customise the digital experience required for and by your clients. There is no right or wrong answer on how it should be used and there are many use cases for a client or partner portal. 

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Here we will explore a range of company types that use a client portal to benefit them and their clients!

First up: Financial Service

Financial service firms - ranging from Accountants and Bookkeepers to Wealth Management Firms and Asset Managers - find value in a client portal to securely interact on sensitive data of their clients and provide real time communication.

Generally financial service firms complete a range of tasks, for example they need to ensure accuracy of financial documents and a client portal makes this easy. Users can upload documents to the Clinked portal into the files section, making use of the review, annotate, approve and sign features all in one place. Financial service firms will also require clients to exchange sensitive documents. Rather than sending these via email, you can easily upload them to a secure and encrypted portal. 

Next up: Coaching & Teaching

We have our online coaching and remote teaching companies. In this instance, the clients would be the students and they would be using the portal to manage their courses. Students can register for classes using customised forms (explore article here), upload their work for review and coaches or instructors can provide marked feedbacks throughout the course to real time interactions. 

Teachers can comment on the work and give feedback easily using the annotations feature and comments box and can also set the students tasks for work to be completed, with reminders for hand in and completion dates. The other plus side to this is that the students can use the platform from wherever they are, they can be working or uploading assignments whilst on the go so that they never miss a deadline! 


Growth of a client portal


“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort” - Paul J. Meyer



Lastly: Compliance

We have our compliance consultants and companies working in pre-qualification, health & safety and much more around the contractor insurance sector. The way these companies use the platform varies. These companies work as a third party compliance consultancy for contractors, to ensure they are compliant when going onto a worksite.

The tasks are a very good feature for them to utilise in conjunction with insurance and policy renewals. The consultants will require these contractors to provide new copies of certain documents before expiry dates to ensure they remain compliant. They can even set up the tasks to give the contractors recurring reminders to upload the new document.

The notes feature can be used to embed media, this is useful if you need the contractors to watch informative toolbox talks or training videos before they enter a site. Not only this, if you require contractors to discuss with you requirements to help them get qualified to go on site, you can embed a zoom link into a note for easy access. Another added bonus is the contractors can have access to this via their mobiles as most don’t have a desktop on site!

You can see in these examples how versatile a client portal is, and how it can be moulded to suit your needs. Not only that, but it can be branded to look exactly like your company website to carry forward your brand with your clients. With many working remote, it's a great to time to look at the existing client experience and revisiting how to ensure clients have the design digital client experience. 

To find out more, talk to one of our friendly team!

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