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Digital Wings for the Public Sector


Public sector organisations need secure, flexible digital tools to achieve their goals - in the UK & globally. At Clinked, we are proud to have been approved by UK government's Digital Marketplace as an approved software provider. 

The Digital Marketplace is a beta programme of the UK government that aids public sector organisations with a list of vetted digital tool suppliers to address technological project needs. At Clinked, we happily have been part of the Digital Marketplace for the past few years and greatly enjoy working with our public sector clients.

Today, we wanted to share a bit about this fantastic programme and the potential use cases public sector organisations have for Clinked as a project portal, knowledge platform, and document management platform.


First off, what is the Digital Marketplace?

The Digital Marketplace (previously known as G-Cloud) is a beta programme by the UK government created to provide a list of cloud technology and specialist for UK public sector organisations to reference for digital projects. Each party listed on the Digital Marketplace has applied for inclusion on the list and marked against framework agreements. There are 3 frameworks used that are agreements between the government and supplier – Clinked has successfully been granted listings as a cloud service supplier.


How are public sector organisations using Clinked?

From central and local agencies, our UK-based public sector clients use Clinked to meet varying use cases. Also, we have public sector organisations in many other countries globally using Clinked to achieve their organisational challenges. 

Below are a few of the key use cases we find public sector organisations leveraging Clinked for:

Educational Portal: Education on policies and legislative changes can be a long and heavy task many public sector organisations strive to achieve. Cloud technology brings the ability to host specific training programmes across external and internal individuals remotely. Clinked is used to manage real-time dissemination of educational programmes to an active member base. Flexible functionality allows for topic specific videos and documentation to be quickly shared via notification process. Two-way communication allows the firm administering education to interact with those learning and address key questions across a full audience.  

Multi-Agency Project Portal: Grants and inter-agency shared resources often bring multiple organisations together to address projects in partnership. These projects deliver stronger impact through merging expertise and valuable resources. However, the multi-agency aspect creates complications in managing communication, documentation, project timeline management, and collaboration in a single platform. This struggle has brought many public sector organisations to find a digital tool that can be open to both internal teams and external parties based on permissions and groups. Clinked delivers all these functionalities, and more, to facilitate an easy to manage, secure digital tool to drive success for multi-agency collaboration.


Volunteer Network Knowledge Share Portal: Volunteers are a valuable resource for many public sector organisations. However, their employee status limits their ability to gain access to many digital systems therefore complicating the organisations ability to knowledge share across many volunteers that may be patron facing. Clinked is a secure cloud-based tool with extensive permissions and collaboration tools such as message boards or chat to meet these needs. From libraries to climate change initiatives, Clinked is used to share knowledge using the discussion boards and group functionality as well as managing shared calendars and high level project management. 


Why does Clinked service public sector organisations?

Public sector organisations are part of our daily lives whether in the United Kingdom or any country. From traveling to the office to going through border control, we are continually touched by the work of our public sector organisations. These organisations have an immense impact in our communities, and we hope Clinked will help achieve their sometimes daunting challenges with our secure and flexible tool as a digital resource. 


Can I talk about my potential use case?

Of course! Contact our team here to schedule a demo & discussion. We’re looking forward to talking with you.


Can I try Clinked first?

Yes, you can try a free 10-day trial to see how it works anytime.


Where can I find details about the Clinked listing on the Digital Marketplace?

Clinked has been listed based on use case in the Digital Marketplace for UK public sector organisation. Below are the links to each to help your organisation find the right fit for your needs:


We look forward to hearing from those in the public sector in the UK and internationally.


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