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VDR Meaning and Examples

Virtual Data Room


What is a VDR?

A VDR (Virtual Data Room) is an online, secure repository for documents and data pertaining to legal transactions or proceedings, and business. A VDR utilizes an extranet connection (an internal connection that has controlled access) and a central server. This type of internet connection uses a secure log-in overseen by an appropriate authority or vendor. They are then responsible for enabling or disabling the secure log-in at any time. VDR can also be referred to as a Virtual Deal Room.

Examples of VDRs



The Clinked Virtual Data Room is an affordable and simple business solution for those that need an efficient way to store and share sensitive information in a controlled and secure environment. Clients and teams can communicate freely with the peace of mind that their data is secure.

The Clinked VDR is a safe cloud-based space that allows stakeholders, clients, and teams to share information. The various workspaces that are used or needed can be customized for the specific company, displaying their brand information. Unlimited groups and projects can be created, so rest assured that as your business grows, so does Clinked.

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DealRoom is a virtual deal room that allows users to utilize its features like integrated AI, file management, and in-depth analytics. It gets rid of the complexities so it has a very shallow learning curve for new users. All of the necessary data encryptions and compliances are present with DealRoom.

The idea behind DealRoom was to optimize multiple workflows centered around M&A and project management. It tackled this by combining various tools associated with monitoring, executing, and creating projects. 


The FirmRoom online data room gives users the basic functions that other VDRs include like bulk file upload, permissions settings, and drag-and-drop. It can also integrate seamlessly with Slack, Office 365, and Salesforce to give the user multiple functionalities in one place.

FirmRoom is growing in popularity, and users are particularly impressed with their M&A solutions. It can be used in a wide variety of industries and has all of the necessary security certifications (ISO 27001) and compliances. 


Intralinks is a premium online data room when compared to competitors, especially when at first it seems as though they do not offer as many functions as the others. However, when large-scale deals are the norm, the support that Intralinks offers could be exactly what is needed.

There are three models available for dealmakers with Intralinks. These models can then be built upon with modules to customize it to the specific deal. Even with this customization, some users have complained that the customization isn't deep enough for their needs.


iDeals was founded in 2008 in Ukraine, and since then it has become known all around the world for the level of security that it has. The VDR industry and other industries like real estate, M&A, and life sciences all love the peace of mind that comes with iDeals.

One of the other features that make iDeals stand out is its Q&A section. This allows and encourages collaboration and communication between the users in the VDR.

What do you think of the VDR examples in this list? If you are interested in exploring your options for a Virtual Data Room, please don't hesitate to contact Clinked and we can work on finding the perfect solutions for you.

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