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What is a support delivery platform?

Software Business Cloud Collaboration


What is a support delivery platform?

A support delivery platform can be the term used to describe a specific type of software offered by businesses, in order to improve the way in which it provides its product or service to a wide range of people – whether that’s team members, clients, external stakeholders, or anyone else who has involvement with the company.


These support delivery platforms, which can sometimes be referred to as knowledge management solutions, are typically used internally – for instance, with team members and employees. However, businesses can also benefit from using this kind of solution for external users, including your clients and business partners.

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When looking for the right solution to deliver your support to various groups and individuals related to your business, there are certain features to be looking out for that will ensure a smooth-running experience for everyone involved. Let’s take a look at just three of those.


Feature 1: Document Storage

One of the most important elements of a support delivery platform is having the capability to store files and documentation, that team members and clients can frequently have access to and easily retrieve by themselves (providing they have the relevant access permissions enabled).

Common types of files that are suitable for being stored within a support delivery platform include technical and troubleshooting documentation, on-boarding guides, and FAQs; which can then be split into different folders within groups for more controlled access, for example departments (Legal, HR, IT), or clients (individuals or groups/companies).

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Feature 2: Discussions Management

Being able to have real-time conversations, as well as have a repository of past discussions with users of your support delivery platform, can be massively beneficial to both your business and the team members/clients who have access to the content.

By enabling discussions – whether that’s in the form of comments, forums, or a live chat – you’ll be allowing users the opportunity to help each other in an efficient and transparent manner, whilst account managers can still be on hand to help when necessary. Conversations will also be securely recorded within your support delivery platform, meaning that they can be referred to again in the future.

Find out more Discussions with Clinked


Feature 3: Branding and Customization

Offering a support delivery platform, that is completely customized to match your business’ branding; will create an engaging and inclusive environment for clients, team members and other users to utilize when they need to access their documentation and discussions.

Everyone will feel more involved in your business, which will increase transparency as well as brand awareness. After customizing your individual department, project and client groups, you will provide your members with a username and password – enabling them to have access to a private workspace for locating and contributing to content 24/7.

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How will a support delivery platform benefit your business?

Support delivery platforms offer a multitude of benefits to your business, team members and the clients who will be using it every day. You will be able to provide a consistent service to your users, whilst building stronger business relationships and making smarter use of everyone’s time. So, if you’re considering implementing such a solution, it’s worth understanding some best practices if you want to make the most out of it.

Read next: Best practices to ensure an effective knowledge repository for clients


Clinked offers customized and secure portals for file sharing, task management and collaboration. Clients and team members can access their documents, discussions, events, tasks and more – all from within a centralized environment. Get started today.


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