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2020: Client Relationship Key Insights

Business Client Portal Client Relations White Label

A new decade, a new opportunity to wow your clients with a personalised touch and provide insights about client relationships across your organisation. All business can take the new year to look at how to level up offerings inside your teams and for your clients whether you work with businesses, individual consumers or not-for-profit organisations. 

At Clinked, we are taking stock of our client relationships as we kick off the New Year. And, we're happy to share key insights discovered as we’ve developed & implemented our revolutionary client portal for clients across geographies, industries & client types. Enjoy & share your thoughts!

Celebrate 2020

Consumer Business 

Consumers are used to using their mobile device for personal uses. From Instagram to online banking, having an application to support your clients in increasingly important depending on the consumer’s behaviour. Digital transformation has been a key buzz word this past decade and expects to continue in the 2020s. 

This is why Clinked has a mobile application standard for all our clients. Businesses will need to be prepared as their consumer clients progress over the next years to using their mobile devices for remote accessibility of both their professional work and to easily manage the administrative components of their personal lives such as taxes. 

To prepare for the coming wave of consumer client needs, your business may look to building a mobile application. However, the costs can be prohibitive to enter given entry costs can range from $50-150k to build an application from scratch. At Clinked, we’re prepare to help our clients by offering the ability to white-label our application. Book a session with our team today to discuss further.


Business to Business 

Generation change is happening within businesses. Harvard Business Review reported that “73% of 20- to 35-year-olds are involved in product or service purchase decision-making at their companiesearlier this year. What does that mean for your business? 

If your clients are increasingly bringing on new team members, the time is now to rethink how your clients are interacting with your team. A client portal can be used to offer consistent communication, high-touch delivery and front of mind branding that your clients and team members use to streamline all components of client relationships. 

Our Clinked team has identified client knowledge - the junction between external clients and internal team members - as a key component to understanding the health of your client relationships. However, it is currently under-addressed by most businesses due to the lack of technology to bring multiple conversations into one platform without significant friction. This friction leads client-facing team members to rely on traditional forms of communication such as email, forcing client knowledge to be housed in individual inboxes rather than a shared platform. 

At Clinked, we’re working on an exciting feature to bring these conversations into our shared client knowledge platform. We’re looking forward to sharing this development, specifically for businesses using Gmail, with our clients in the coming months. Keep your attention here for upcoming announcements or schedule a call with our team to learn more!


Not for Profit 

Many organisations are helping Not For Profit organisations serve communities needing additional services. Because of the focus on helping others, resources are needed to develop technologies meeting their "community driven" approach. This is not expected to change in the 2020 and organisations are expected to “club” or partner up more with outside organisations to meet needs together. Managing operations across multiple organisations is a challenge for any IT department. Clinked though is here to help! 

Clinked offers groups that can be segmented by members. This allows one organisation to have multiple groups, projects, or client accounts to invite members of various organisations to interact in one platform. Members can share files, chat in the platform or application, host discussion boards, schedule and manage tasks, and so much more. Make 2020 a frictionless experience by leveraging Clinked for your next multi-organisational grant or project.

Did we mention that we offer a 35% discount to all documented Not For ProfitsSchedule a chat with our team today to discuss your needs!

From all of us at Clinked, we wish you the very best this New Years as we say goodbye to 2019 & hello to a new decade! May it be the best decade yet! 🥂🎆 

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