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Evolution of Client Relationships

Client Relations Tools Technology Accounting

Clients are the most important part of service organisations. Whether you’re in financial services or legal, without clients your business would struggle to succeed - which is why building and maintaining good relationships with clients is absolutely key to running a successful company.

With all the advancements in technology over the last decade, there are growing options in quality tools one can use to effectively boost communication with clients – making your client relationship processes easier as well as resulting in happy clients. From time tracking services to project management platforms and client portals, utilizing these tools can facilitate better organisation of your time, create automated processes with integrations between different applications, and customise the tools that fit into your workflow.

It’s important to do research into a plethora of different software services to select the right ones for your business. When done strategically, you will find that implementing new technology is an investment and will work in your favour rather than being an expense as shared in a recent article “Future of accounting: Reforming your CPA firm into an advisory practice” by Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting.

“Technology impacts not only how you do business with clients, but how you conduct and manage your business operations internally. It not only improves how you do business, but it is something your clients and prospects have come to expect.”- Thomson Reuters Tax & Accounting

The use of technology can both improve immediate client relationships and be utilised in the long term to develop long lasting relationships with your customers. The growth of mobile devices adoption has created a link between professional and personal aspects of our lives as well as a need by clients to feel catered to in different ways. Software products providing easy connection to top relationship providers in timely, secure manner can delight and surprise a client to drive lasting relationships.

“Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create raving fans.” - Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager


Most importantly – client relationships require trust. In order to invest their time and money into your business, clients need to proof you have their best interest at heart and will continue to deliver for them. Increasing, clients expect consistent touch points to develop a track record of trust rather than feeling you aren’t simply trying to sell to them.


“Each of your competitors will also claim they can bring as much value as you can, if not more. Our approach is to consider the best interest of the client before ours and to make sure they know that this is how we see our relationship with them. In some occasions, this could mean we don’t sell something or downsize our proposal if we determine that they are not ready.” - Christophe Caïs, Customer Experience Group 


At Clinked, we focus on where client knowledge lives. The intersection between external facing client communication and the internal teams producing the end service. Clinked is a platform that holistically provides secure collaboration to build a track record of communication with your clients, the sharing knowledge and building trust, and the best user experience possible for them by keeping it simple and easy to use. While the traditional client portals focus on documentation, Clinked allows a portal that can drive client engagement to create deeper connections through real time chat, management of key events and tasks, and two-sided collaboration across teams and clients. All while delivering a personal touch with your firm’s branding to bring a significant impact to your clients - making them feel invested in and valued by your company. 


To experience how Clinked can drive client relationships for your team across your client base, contact us to arrange a demo or discuss your requirements



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