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Maia Creed

Maia Creed

Content by this author

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How Does Santa Use His Client Portal? [Infographic]
This year Santa wanted to step up on his organisation and productivity, so he bought himself a client...
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8 Day-To-Day Mobile Apps For Businesses
Mobile phones are an integral part of modern daily life, in both our business and personal lives. In today’s...
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Business File Sharing Online = A Paper-Free Future?
Will online business file sharing solutions lead to paper-free offices? To celebrate World Paper Free Day...
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Infographic: How To Be A Productive Project Manager (Using A Customer Portal)
Using a customer portal can make you a more productive project manager when used efficiently. Here’s an...
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9 Reasons You Should Invest In Intranet Software
Intranet software shouldn’t be confused with the Internet. Intranets are private networks that are only...
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Calling all Clinked users... Here are some new features!
Are you a Clinked user? Then we’ve got some improved features to announce to you! We’ve recently released two...
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8 Essential Tools For Growing Your Business
Growing your business can be a difficult and slow process. However, businesses of all sizes should take...
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(Infographic) Enterprise Data Security In The Cloud
In recent years, cloud software adoption rates have been skyrocketing. Despite the multitude of benefits...
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Clinked Feature: Create Recurring Events
This month, Clinked has released another feature for our customers: Recurring Events. As the name suggests,...
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Clinked Features: Email Notifications and Guest Login
Happy Friday! Earlier this week, we rolled out two new Clinked features that had been highly requested by our...
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Infographic: The Top 5 Use Cases For Client Portals
So you want to see how client portals work realistically for businesses day-to-day? ...
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The Importance Of Branded File Sharing Software
Integrating branded file sharing software could not only give your business a competitive edge, it can make...

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Press release: Rabbitsoft is now a certified Google Apps reseller
Rabbitsoft, the company behind Clinked, has been designated as an official google Apps Reseller. This follows...
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A Clinked Christmas
Award-winning project management and collaboration software, Clinked, has already sealed a coveted place in...
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Announcing Clinked Public Beta
Out in the wild! Clinked brings together your group’s content, collaboration and conversation in a shared...
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