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Collaborative communication through the ages.
Collaboration has always been important to working within teams and moving us forward. Throughout history,...
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Client Portal vs File Sharing
Many businesses around the world are already using a client portal to connect with their business...
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Share files with external contacts
It's great to work with your clients privately, but sometimes when you want to share a file with someone as a...
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Introducing Clinked Group Chat, in the Cloud
I am sure many of you have used instant messaging in some way or another, whether it be in iMessage,...
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Remote working in the cloud
Working remotely is an issue which a multitude of businesses are tackling every day. Many of these...
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Accessibility in the Cloud
One of the extraordinary benefits of the cloud is the accessibility it offers users. As the landscape of our...
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How the Cloud can make you a better manager.
It's well known that management isn't the easiest of tasks. When you're being bombarded with tight deadlines,...
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Why are wikis becoming more popular?
Wikis are a valuable resource to hit the web. They are accessible web pages which can be viewed and changed...
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Reasons to collaborate more in the Cloud
The Cloud is fast becoming a popular place for businesses to operate, and collaboration on the Cloud is what...
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How to boost Employee participation in Collaboration
So your company has embraced Cloud collaboration (and is aware of the vast benefits collaboration can offer,...
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Cloud Collaboration software in today's business environment
Cloud collaboration is fast becoming a major presence in today’s business environment. Productivity,...
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Cloud Collaboration: What's in it for my business?
Cloud collaboration is important in any business; it can have an impact on quality, productivity, customer...

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Press release: Rabbitsoft is now a certified Google Apps reseller
Rabbitsoft, the company behind Clinked, has been designated as an official google Apps Reseller. This follows...
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A Clinked Christmas
Award-winning project management and collaboration software, Clinked, has already sealed a coveted place in...
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Announcing Clinked Public Beta
Out in the wild! Clinked brings together your group’s content, collaboration and conversation in a shared...
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