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Group Labels - Grouping projects, clients and groups
"Group Labels", the latest feature from Clinked, makes sure that you'll always keep your eyes on the ball....
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Clinked's New Features
Here at Clinked we are always improving on and developing our Client Portal and Team Collaboration App. We...
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Fundamental Fright-Factors of lost Files
The Project Nightmare There are several fundamental Fright-Factors of lost files and documents. Losing key...
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Clinked introduces new auto-expire feature for files and folders
Clinked introduces new auto-expire feature for files and folders. Now users of the brandable team and client...
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The Top Six Business Social Media Fails
Social Media can be great, but some businesses just don't understand the power of it, mainly when used in the...
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The Best Business Mobile Apps
Which apps could you not live without at work? We all have our favourites, but there are a few that we've...
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Audit Trails for Client and Team Productivity
Having detailed records of your business and team actions is essential to ensure your firm is moving in the...
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Clinked vs Dropbox for Business
Clinked SmartDrive is here, but can Dropbox for Business manage to compete with Clinked? SmartDrive has...
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Clinked - Now in Italian
We're all about better collaboration between you and your clients. We know that many businesses have clients...
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New Features from Clinked
We hope that you're having the best experience possible with Clinked. Today, we're pleased to announce four...
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New branding features and attaching Clinked files
Have you been taking advantage of Clinked's current branding capabilities? Well, Clinked is proud to announce...
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Client Portal vs File Sharing
Many businesses around the world are already using a client portal to connect with their business...

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Press release: Rabbitsoft is now a certified Google Apps reseller
Rabbitsoft, the company behind Clinked, has been designated as an official google Apps Reseller. This follows...
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A Clinked Christmas
Award-winning project management and collaboration software, Clinked, has already sealed a coveted place in...
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Announcing Clinked Public Beta
Out in the wild! Clinked brings together your group’s content, collaboration and conversation in a shared...
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