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Client Trust During Uncertainty
The world is having a tough time at the moment – the global pandemic of Covid19 has created uncertainty...
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2020: Client Relationship Key Insights
A new decade, a new opportunity towow your clients with apersonalised touch and provide insights about...
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Happy Christmas 2019
“Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.” - Les Smith ...
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How does Trillium Mutual Insurance Company use Clinked to improve client communication?
“The Clinked product has really helped us tie all of our loose ends together, it's allowed us to have one...
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How using a collaboration tool will help you grow your business
There’s no doubt that running a business can be an extremely stressful process; with endless amounts of tasks...
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What is a support delivery platform?
What is a support delivery platform? A support delivery platform can be the term used to describe a specific...
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Customer engagement trends for 2018
Customer engagement is the means by which a business builds loyal relationships with customers through...
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What is change management?
Let’s say that there’s an organizational change needed within your business, which has been driven by a...
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How to share knowledge with colleagues (using an intranet)
Intranets are powerful tools, enabling businesses to centralize large or virtual teams and departments. And...
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Best practices to ensure an effective knowledge repository for clients
We’ve come a long way since postal letters, fax machines and telephones. Now that we’re living in a world...
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Here’s Why Your Enterprise Needs A Collaboration Solution
Why Is Collaboration So Important? Effective collaboration ensures a smooth-running organisation. It...
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The Future Of The Enterprise
Intranets are popular tools for enterprises - they provide an efficient way of centralising business files...

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Press release: Rabbitsoft is now a certified Google Apps reseller
Rabbitsoft, the company behind Clinked, has been designated as an official google Apps Reseller. This follows...
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A Clinked Christmas
Award-winning project management and collaboration software, Clinked, has already sealed a coveted place in...
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Announcing Clinked Public Beta
Out in the wild! Clinked brings together your group’s content, collaboration and conversation in a shared...
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