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What Is Group Chat
Chat functions are growing more and more popular in the workplace. It is revolutionizing the way we interact...
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Create Your Own Client Portal In 5 Easy Steps
Having your own cloud storage is invaluable for businesses, and even more important when your work is client...
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Is Clinked customer portal software right for my business?
Customer portal software offered by Clinked can be hugely helpful to many types of businesses. As companies...
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A tale of two rabbits: Easter Bunny discovers Clinked online collaboration portal
As the clocks tick midnight on New Year’s Day, Easter Bunny decides on his New Year’s resolution: the...
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6 tips for portal on-boarding success
Introducing new software into your business can be time-consuming when you haven’t put an effective change...
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5 Clinked features for managing projects effectively
When you’re in charge of managing a project (or multiple), it can be challenging to coordinate the large...
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What is change management?
Let’s say that there’s an organizational change needed within your business, which has been driven by a...
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Infographic: The Top 5 Use Cases For Client Portals
So you want to see how client portals work realistically for businesses day-to-day? ...
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What To Look For When Choosing A Customer Portal
At first glance, trying to find a suitable customer portal for your business may seem like a daunting...
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WordPress 2016 For Your Business? Challenge Accepted.
The Internet revolution brought with itself this permanent obsession of updating, which makes the user more...
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The Sharepoint Trap
Microsoft. The Leviathan of Computing. A household name across 6 continents whose hegemony has until recently...

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Press release: Rabbitsoft is now a certified Google Apps reseller
Rabbitsoft, the company behind Clinked, has been designated as an official google Apps Reseller. This follows...
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A Clinked Christmas
Award-winning project management and collaboration software, Clinked, has already sealed a coveted place in...
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Announcing Clinked Public Beta
Out in the wild! Clinked brings together your group’s content, collaboration and conversation in a shared...
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